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  • 24 Jun 2019 9:29 PM | Bob Lukas (Administrator)

    Approvals for the 2019 season have been received from BC Parks for pre-authorization requests to restricted lakes and emailed out to the requesting members. 
    If you missed your email notice, a copy can be downloaded here. You should carry a copy of the letter with you when visiting a restricted lake.

  • 10 Apr 2019 10:08 PM | Deleted user

    April 10th, 2019

    To all members

    The following is a forwarded email request. If anyone is available to help, it would be greatly appreciated .


    I am the new Area Supervisor for the Upper Fraser area which include Kakwa Provincial Park. I was wondering if anyone in your organization was planning on any trips in to Kakwa this summer and if they would be interested in carrying supplies in for us.


    Thank you so much and enjoy the rest of  your day.



    Desirae Mc Murray

    Area Supervisor-Upper Fraser


    ( (250) 614-9918   (778) 349-2500


  • 1 Aug 2018 4:08 PM | BCFA Webmaster (Administrator)

    The BC Floatplane Association recognizes the need to continue our freedom to fly floats in BC. The BCFA awarded two $2500.00 scholarships towards a seaplane rating in 2018 to Sylvain Leone and Skylar Pridham. 

    One of the scholarship winners, Sylvain Leone accepting his award at the 2018 AGM in Timothy Lake, BC.

    Left to right: Wendy Boyes (scholarship chair), Sylvain Leone (2018 winner), Fanny Leroy (2017 past winner).

  • 1 Aug 2018 4:07 PM | BCFA Webmaster (Administrator)
    • When: July 13 to 15, 2018
    • Where: Timothy Lake, B.C. at Northwood Lodge & Resort
    • Nice weather and 10 floatplanes at the lodge and a couple of wheel planes at 108. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, presentations and a silent auction were enjoyed by all

  • 30 Jul 2018 4:10 PM | BCFA Webmaster (Administrator)

    Washington Seaplane Association (WSPA) and BCFA have a goal to increase interaction amongst members.  Notwithstanding the border between us we share all of the same challenges and opportunities.

    We will be kicking this effort off with a splash out in September to Phantom Lake, BC.  Phantom is approx. 15nm NW of Squamish.  Phantom Lake (3100’ msl and 10,000 feet long) is a popular destination for floatplanes.  There is a convenient sandy beach with nearby primitive camping.  BCFA seasonally positions a canoe at the camp site.  Nearby float accessible lakes include East Falk Lake and Kato Lake.  These latter lakes, being higher and shorter, are a bit more challenging and suitable for higher performance aircraft. There is excellent hiking and scrambling at all of these lakes.

    The general plan for the weekend is as follows;

    Saturday, September 8

    • Late morning/early afternoon arrival at Phantom Lake
    • Camp Set Up
    • Fishing / hiking / BCFA canoe on site
    • Optional exploration of nearby lakes for those interested
    • 1800 dinner (BYOF&B)
    • Evening presentation/discussion by BCFA’s Mike Thompson on alpine lake flying

    Sunday, September 9

    Afternoon break camp and depart
    • After breakfast optional exploration of nearby lakes for those interested
    • Afternoon break camp and depart

    WSPA Contact – Don Goodman, donaldjg56@gmail.com, 360-303-7076

    BCFA Contact – Mike Thompson, mike@thompsonfoundry.com, 604-813-1863

  • 1 Oct 2017 4:06 PM | BCFA Webmaster (Administrator)

    The 2017 BC Floatplane AGM was at the Wilderness Rim Resort, Nimpo Lake, Sept 15/16/17.  Most folks flew or drove in on Friday.  We had a potluck dinner on Friday evening and Mary & Tabby fed us for the rest of the weekend. The AGM was Saturday afternoon, which allowed some of the group time to fly in the morning, fuel up, and just generally catch up with friends. There were 20 attending the meeting, not to bad considering the short notice, forest fires and uncertain weather. The weather was very good for flying on Friday and Saturday, but a system moving in on Sunday kept everyone alert for the flight home. The forecast models were correct and the rain did not hit Vancouver until early afternoon.

  • 1 Aug 2017 4:04 PM | BCFA Webmaster (Administrator)

    Using the official scoring guide the packages were reviewed and scored by the scholarship committee which was made up of four directors. The scores reflected the well-deserved successful winner as Fanny Leroy.

    Fanny obtained her Private Pilot Licence in Quebec City. She has currently completed the requirements for her Commercial Pilots Licence in Pitt Meadows.  She was the successful candidate for a flying program on emergency maneuver and unusual attitudes through the Ninety-Nines and has taken her training in Squamish. Fanny was also granted the 1,000.Mary Swain memorial scholarship awarded by the BCAC and is an active member of the Nintey-Nines and the BC Mountaineering Club.

    Fanny was awarded our scholarship monetary award of 2,000.00 last month and has already successfully completed it with Fort Langley Air. I am happy to say this outdoor love of life girl has now changed her goals from putting her energy and money into IFR training, to obtaining advanced float flying training. She is ever so grateful to the BCFA for giving her this chance of finding where her love is in this world of aviation and will be furthering her flying goals in this area.

    There is no doubt in my mind Fanny will continue to succeed in her goal of flying floats and will help keep the future of the freedom to Fly Floats in BC alive. The BCFA could not have awarded this scholarship to a more deserving pilot. Congratulations Fanny from the BCFA board and members.

    Fanny is sorry she was unable to make this year’s AGM but says she will see you all next year.

    Fanny is currently working full time for an aviation business and performing bookkeeping contracts part time to further her float flying goals. If you know of anyone who needs a bookkeeper for small contracts jobs please give her a call.

  • 30 Nov 2016 4:02 PM | BCFA Webmaster (Administrator)

    The BCFA directors are pleased to announce that Dominic Beaumont, last years 2016 "Freedom to Fly Floats in BC" winner, has successfully completed his rating last September with Fort Langley Air. In his own words he stated, "I feel so fortunate to have been given this opportunity by the BC Float Plane Association."

    He helped out at the AGM and he has indicated his ongoing commitment to our association. He is currently working on his IFR and is planning on flying floats for a living.

    Congratulations Dominic and welcome to the world of float flying.

  • 20 Aug 2016 4:01 PM | BCFA Webmaster (Administrator)

    We had a great weekend at Azure Lake. If you missed it, look for more trips next year.

  • 1 Aug 2016 3:48 PM | BCFA Webmaster (Administrator)

    The 2016 AGM and Fly-in was held at Nelson BC (CZNL/CAD8) on July 15-17. We had a great AGM, even though the weather did not cooperate and most folks ended up driving to Nelson.  The local Nelson Pilots Association hosted us at their clubhouse and provided great lunch and dinner with assistance of the local Rotary club.

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